
China, France should enhance strategic coordination, cooperation: Chinese FM

(Xinhua) 16:39, February 21, 2024

PARIS, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here Tuesday that China and France should strengthen strategic coordination and deepen cooperation to contribute to global peace and stability.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks during his meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris.

Wang conveyed Chinese President Xi Jinping's cordial greetings to Macron, saying that the two heads of state have established a strong mutual trust and a sincere friendship, and guided the development of bilateral strategic cooperation, exerting a profound and positive influence on the world.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and France, serving as an important point from which to build on past achievements and forge ahead, Wang said, adding that both sides should take the anniversary as an opportunity to sum up the experience of the extraordinary journey the two countries have been through, carry forward the useful experience and successful practices, and jointly plan the next 60 years of China-France relations.

China is ready to work with France to uphold the original aspiration, stay focused, deepen cooperation and open up the future, Wang said.

Pragmatic cooperation between China and France brings significant benefits to both peoples, Wang said, noting that China will stick to high-quality development and higher-standard opening-up, and will continue to open its market to all countries in the world, including France.

Wang also expressed the hope that the French side would create a fair and just business environment and provide positive and stable long-term expectations for Chinese enterprises in France.

Macron asked Wang to convey sincere greetings to Xi and wished the Chinese people all the best in the Year of the Dragon.

Recalling with pleasure his successful visit to China last year, Macron said he looks forward to working with China to make preparations for high-level exchanges this year, and hopes that the two sides will take the opportunity of the France-China Strategic Dialogue to implement the important consensus reached by him and Xi, and further build lasting and close France-China relations.

France has always adhered to the one-China policy and this position is clear, he said.

In the face of global challenges, France adheres to strategic independence and is willing to strengthen strategic coordination with China to jointly safeguard peace and stability, he said.

Wang said the current international situation is turbulent, hotspot issues are complex and thorny, the world economic recovery is slow and challenges come one after another.

As independent major countries, permanent members of the UN Security Council and important forces in a multipolar world, China and France should strengthen strategic coordination and deepen strategic cooperation to contribute to global peace and stability, he said.

China appreciates France's adherence to independence and autonomy, and hopes that France will continue to boost the sound and steady development of China-Europe relations, enhance mutual trust, promote convergence of interests, and jointly act as a stabilizing force in today's world.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Zhong Wenxing)


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