
Wang Yi calls for maintaining, consolidating current good momentum of China-Australia relations

(Xinhua) 08:45, July 14, 2023

Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi (R) meets with Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong in Jakarta, Indonesia, on July 13, 2023. (Xinhua/Xu Qin)

JAKARTA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- China and Australia should maintain and consolidate the current good momentum, so that the bilateral ties will continue to be stable and practical with further progress, Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi said on Thursday.

While meeting with Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong on the sidelines of a series of ASEAN foreign ministers' meetings, Wang said that with the joint efforts of both sides, China-Australia relations have stabilized, improved and developed.

Facts have once again proved that as long as both sides stay true to their commitment when they established diplomatic relations and adhere to the right way to conduct state-to-state relations, the China-Australia relationship can and should develop well, said the Chinese senior diplomat.

He said if the direction is set right, the two countries should stick to it and stay on track, let alone reverse course. He added that both sides should implement the consensus of the two countries' leaders, resume exchanges and cooperation in all fields and at all levels, and enhance mutual understanding and trust.

Noting that China and Australia have highly complementary economies and huge potential for cooperation, Wang expressed the hope that Australia would provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises to invest and operate in Australia.

The two sides should respect each other, treat each other as equals, handle differences appropriately, cultivate a friendly atmosphere of mutual understanding and appreciation, and bring more tangible benefits to the people of both countries, he said.

Wong, for her part, said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1972, Australia and China have established extensive ties and achieved remarkable results in cooperation in various fields.

She said good Australia-China relations are in the interests of both sides, and Australia will continue to uphold mutual respect, equal cooperation and candid communication in line with the original spirit of the establishment of diplomatic relations, to safeguard the interests of their respective countries, and to push for greater progress in advancing the China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)


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