
IP protection accelerated to fast track

(Xinhua) 16:41, April 26, 2023

SHANGHAI, April 26 (Xinhua) -- It only took about two months for a new energy tech firm based in Shanghai to get an invention patent, demonstrating the impressive speed and efficiency of China's intellectual property (IP) sector, particularly in regard to patent examination and approval processes.

"We filed for a patent on Feb. 28. Thanks to the quick preliminary examination, our application was approved in a short period, and we have already obtained the certificate," said Mai Jianming, an official at Shanghai H-RISE New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

In general, the process of applying for a patent can be both time-consuming and complicated. However, since the establishment of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Center in November 2022, the process has become much more efficient and streamlined. The newly established IP protection center aims to provide one-stop IP services for strategic emerging industries such as new materials, energy conservation and environmental protection in Shanghai.

"The quick preliminary examining mode has greatly improved the efficiency, fault tolerance rate and certainty of an enterprise's intellectual property layout. Our company has submitted more than 100 applications for patents, and we highly appreciate the efficient services provided by the IP protection center. We hope to have our applications proceed on the fast track," Mai added.

The quicker patent application process does not mean a laxity of quality control, said Xu Zhuoqun, director of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Center.

"Supporting high-quality patent applications to enter the fast track of assessment carried out by the China National Intellectual Property Administration is an important function of the center. We attach great importance to both quality and efficiency," Xu added.

"IP protection plays a crucial role in driving the development of market and innovation. It is also an essential part of building a market-oriented, law-based and internationalized first-class business environment," said Rui Wenbiao, director of Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration.

In March, the megacity launched an online IP protection service platform. Enterprises and individuals can now get 74 different IP-related services online, providing them with solutions to their IP issues.

Furthermore, dedicated service windows for dealing with IP rights issues have been set up at government service centers in the 16 districts of Shanghai, making the services easily accessible to the general public.

Shanghai will continue to strengthen IP protection efforts, providing innovative entrepreneurs with greater convenience and infinite potential for high-quality development, Rui said.

Shanghai's IP protection efforts serve as a prime example of the entire country's unremitting efforts in this field.

Statistics from the China National Intellectual Property Administration showed that China granted 798,000 invention patents in 2022, with 9.4 high-value invention patents for every 10,000 people.

Last year, the country handled 44,000 cases of illegal acts in the fields of patent and trademark, and 58,000 administrative adjudication cases concerning patent infringement disputes. It also dealt with 71,000 applications for assistance in safeguarding rights.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)


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