
UN General Assembly First Committee adopts Chinese-tabled draft resolution

(Xinhua) 19:01, November 04, 2022

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- The First Committee of the UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted a Chinese-tabled draft resolution on "Promoting international cooperation on peaceful uses in the context of international security."

This was the second year in a row that China has tabled such a draft.

The resolution reaffirms that the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a threat to international peace and security, while noting with concern that undue restrictions on exports to developing countries of materials, equipment and technology for peaceful purposes persist.

It emphasizes that non-proliferation control arrangements should be transparent and open to participation by all states, and measures preventing the proliferation of the three weapons should not hamper international cooperation on meterials, equipment and technology for peaceful purposes, as well as developing countries' requirement for them for the countries' continued sustainable development.

It urges all UN member states, without prejudice to their non-proliferation obligations, to take concrete measures to promote the cooperation for peaceful purposes, in particular not to maintain any restrictions incompatible with the obligations undertaken.

It encourages all member states to continue dialogues on promoting peaceful uses and relevant international cooperation.

In introducing the draft resolution on Wednesday, Chinese Ambassador for Disarmament Affairs Li Song, who heads the Chinese delegation to the First Committee, said that due attention has not been given to the rights of developing countries to the peaceful uses of science and technology and to international cooperation.

Developing countries still face unreasonable restrictions on their normal access to materials, equipment, and technology, he said.

Last year, China worked with member states and saw the adoption of the resolution by the General Assembly entitled "Promoting international cooperation on peaceful uses in the context of international security" for the first time, Li said.

The resolution reflects the international community's interests in issues related to peaceful uses and highlights member states' expectation for an open, inclusive dialogue process to promote non-proliferation and peaceful uses in a balanced manner. It has initiated a new process of an open, inclusive dialogue on peaceful uses and export control under the UN framework, said Li.

This year, China has again taken the lead by proposing the draft resolution, which reflects the common interests of developing countries, he said.

This draft resolution reflects true multiculturalism. Everything is above-board, open and transparent, be it the content of the draft or the way co-sponsors have worked in the process. The purpose is to generate mutually reinforcing and complementary dynamics between peaceful uses and export control through multilateral dialogue on the basis of equal and mutual respect, he said.

Supporting the resolution is not an act of taking sides. Rather, it is an act of supporting true multiculturalism and of siding with the common interests of developing countries and with the promotion of international cooperation on peaceful uses, he said. 

(Web editor: Wu Chaolan, Du Mingming)


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