
U.S. online magazine insists no amnesty for "pandemic tyranny"

(Xinhua) 09:58, November 03, 2022

Tourists spend time on the National Mall in Washington D.C., the United States on Oct. 30, 2021. (Photo by Ting Shen/Xinhua)

Are we really to let bygones be bygones for masking and lockdowns that will set students back for a decade, that shuttered businesses across the country, that multiplied deaths of despair?

NEW YORK, Nov. 2 (Xinhua) -- Pardon should not be given to the U.S. officials who, over and over, proved themselves blustering little tyrants, and worse, incompetent, said The American Conservative in an article posted on Tuesday.

"We are to erase the record of those responsible for leaving sick children to waste away in hospitals all alone, for separating husband from wife, for stopping families from holding the hands of the dying or gathering for their funerals? No, no, and again, no," it insisted.

"After mandates forced people out of jobs, and the vaccine-turned-therapeutic failed to stop transmission, are we really to stop asking about its potential side effects, or the relationship between pharmaceutical companies and the FDA?" asked the article.

"Are we really to let bygones be bygones for masking and lockdowns that will set students back for a decade, that shuttered businesses across the country, that multiplied deaths of despair?" it noted.

"Forgive your family. Even forgive authorities who say they are sorry and seek to make amends. But fire them, too. Throw them all out," added the essay authored by Micah Meadowcroft, the online editor of the website. 

(Web editor: Cai Hairuo, Liang Jun)


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