
Chinese envoy calls on parties in Libya to resolve differences peacefully

(Xinhua) 10:35, August 31, 2022

UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called on parties in Libya to exercise maximum restraint and to resolve their differences through negotiation.

China is deeply concerned about the recent clashes in the capital Tripoli, said Dai Bing, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.

The clashes in Tripoli between armed groups affiliated with rival governments have reportedly killed and injured nearly 200 people.

"We call upon the Libyan parties to put their national and people's interests first, exercise maximum restraint, resolve their differences by peaceful means of dialogue and negotiations, and do their utmost to avoid all violence," Dai told a UN Security Council briefing on Libya.

The Libyan crisis has entered its 11th year. He noted that the peaceful situation was hard-earned and should be doubly treasured by the Libyan parties.

Stressing that political means are the only viable means for resolving the Libyan crisis, Dai said China welcomes the fact that the parties in Libya have reached an agreement on most of the items on the constitutional basis for holding elections.

He expressed hope that the parties will maintain the momentum for dialogue and negotiations from the previous period, strive for a middle ground and reach an agreement on a constitutional basis to create favorable conditions for holding early elections.

Dai said that the international community should abide by the Libyan-led and state-owned principle, provide constructive assistance to the country and avoid imposing a solution from the outside.

He called on the United Nations Support Mission in Libya to actively promote dialogue and negotiations among the Libyan parties.

Dai said that restoring and developing the economy and improving livelihoods are the main instruments to bring peace and stability to Libya, adding that oil is an essential source of income for the Libyan economy.

"China welcomes the full resumption of Libyan oil production, and urges the parties to increase consultation on the distribution of the oil income, so as to ensure that the resource dividends can benefit the whole population," Dai said. 

(Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun)


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