
China's whole-process people's democracy "effective," says Chinese envoy

(Xinhua) 11:15, December 15, 2021

RIO DE JANEIRO, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- Democracy is a common value of humanity, and Chinese-style democracy "works very well," Chinese Consul General in Rio de Janeiro Tian Min has said.

In a recent article in Brazilian business daily Monitor Mercantil, Tian said that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese people overthrew oppressive regimes and developed an "effective" democratic system of government "with Chinese characteristics."

Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, "the party has introduced and developed the important concept of whole-process people's democracy, translating democratic values and ideas into scientific and effective institutional arrangements and concrete democratic practices," Tian said.

"Practice has shown that Chinese-style democracy not only works, but works very well," from promoting broad participation to delivering results for the people, not special interest groups, she said.

China's recent accomplishments underscore the system's efficacy, the consul general said, noting "more than 800 million Chinese left absolute poverty behind, in an action unprecedented in the world."

Moreover, "China has built the world's largest social security system and universal healthcare system, serving more than 1.3 billion people. Employment is the greatest social welfare. For 15 consecutive years, China has created more than 10 million jobs each year, equivalent to the population of a medium-size country," Tian said.

"China's overall rapid development over the past decades has fully demonstrated that its model of democracy is in tune with its national realities and has the support of the people. It is a real, effective and successful democracy. So, China is a really democratic country," she added.

"China is willing to exchange ideas on democracy and human rights with Brazil and any other country, learn from each other and improve together, to promote the global cause on these two fronts," said Tian. 

(Web editor: Peng Yukai, Liang Jun)


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