
U.S. relapses into "Cold War mentality" with "democracy summit": Chinese diplomat

(Xinhua) 08:57, December 15, 2021

MOSCOW, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- Washington has used the so-called "Summit for Democracy" to manifest hegemony, revive the Cold War practice of bloc politics, and further split the global community, a Chinese diplomat has said.

The fact that the United States convened the so-called "Summit for Democracy" under the guise of democracy is inherently undemocratic, it contradicts the trend of democratization of international relations and is a typical display of hegemony, Chinese Consul General in St. Petersburg Wang Wenli wrote in an article recently published on the website of the St. Petersburg Journal.

The United States "kidnaps democracy" to manipulate the rest of the world, fabricates "anxiety about democracy," and fans bloc politics and camp antagonism, which is a typical Cold War mentality, the diplomat continued.

Such a "summit" neither represents the people of countries around the world nor can it "make decisions" for the international community, Wang said.

The "summit" simply ignored those real challenges concerning the well-being of people of all countries, such as economic recovery, climate change and the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, she added. 

(Web editor: Peng Yukai, Liang Jun)


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