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Construction on Beijing horticultural expo site completed

(Xinhua)    17:00, January 21, 2019

An Aerial photo taken by a drone on January 19, 2019 shows the Plant Pavilion in 2019 International Horticultural Exhibition site in Yanqing District, Beijing. [Photo: Xinhua]

BEIJING, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- Construction on the site of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing China and its supporting infrastructure has been completed, 100 days before the opening, the city government said.

The interior decoration, mechanical and electrical installation, and exterior components of the four main venues of the expo have come to an end, and exhibits arrangement teams are in place, said Wang Hong, deputy city mayor who is in charge of the expo.

Wang said the landscapes and municipal infrastructure, such as heating, electricity and fire control, had all been completed, in addition to eight new streets leading to the expo site.

More than 110 countries and international organizations, as well as over 120 non-official exhibitors, have confirmed participation, making it the highest attendance in the global event's history.

Wang added that the gardens for 10 out of 80 countries and international organizations carrying out outdoor exhibitions had been basically completed, including for Japan and India.

Open from April 29 to Oct. 7, the expo will exhibit the latest achievements in flower, and fruit and vegetable farming at the foot of the Great Wall in Yanqing.

This is the second time for China to hold such a high-level horticulture expo. Southwestern Chinese city Kunming held the expo in 1999.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Wen Ying, Hongyu)

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