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Expert reveals four longevity acupuncture points

By Wang Ao (People's Daily Online)    13:56, January 05, 2016

Zang Fuke, a well-known authority on massage and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has shared four acupuncture points that could delay senescence, promote longevity and build stronger bodies, according to a recent report by China's Life Times.

Guanyuan acupuncture point increases longevity and can strengthen the body. (Photo/People's Daily Online)

No. 1: Guanyuan acupuncture point is in a significant position for massage, acupuncture and moxibustion in TCM. It helps to increase longevity and can strengthen the body. Research shows that stimulating this acupuncture point benefits endocrine regulation and speeds up the metabolism. It is widely used for treating endocrine, metabolic and urogenital diseases, including deficiency of the kidney, dysmenorrheal, diabetes and others. Therefore, massaging this acupuncture point with your fingers every night before bed is good for your health.


Studies show that body's immune functions will be greatly enhanced by stimulating the Hegu acupuncture point. (Photo/People's Daily Online)

No. 2: Hegu acupuncture point is  the part of the hand between the thumb and the index finger. Studies show that the body's immune function will be greatly enhanced by stimulating the Hegu. It is also convenient to massage this easily accessible acupuncture point.


Neiguan acupuncture point has remarkable effects on coronary heart disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. (Photo/People's Daily Online)

No. 3: Neiguan acupuncture point has remarkable effects on coronary heart disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. "People can rub this point to relieve angina, chest tightness, heart palpitations, insomnia and more," said Zang Fuke.


Zusanli acupuncture point can regulate the spleen and stomach and replenish the qi. (Photo/People's Daily Online)

No. 4: Zusanli acupuncture point can regulate the spleen and stomach. It can also replenish the qi. In addition, massaging this acupuncture point can enhance gastric peristalsis, improve digestion, increase appetite, improve heart function and regulate the endocrine system. People who regularly massage this acupuncture point can easily notice the benefits.

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(Editor:Wang Ao,Bianji)

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