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Thursday, November 02, 2000, updated at 16:37(GMT+8)

Special Mobile Phone Launched for Deaf & Mute

A kind of mobile phone specially designed for deaf and mute was launched Wednesday by China Mobile, the company contributed 220 such phones to China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped including 100 for the deaf and mute in Taiwan.

Wang Guangying, vice chairman of NPC Standing Committee, Ismail Amat, state councilor, Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme, Sun Fuling and Luo Haocai, vice-chairmen of CPPCC National Committee, attended the contribution ceremony held on Wednesday.

So far as we've learned China has 20 million deaf and mute people, and they are unable to enjoy the mobile phone facilities before the invention of the new one. To let those deaf and mute enjoy this state-of-art means of communication, China Mobile, on the basis of STK multi-function card, jointly developed the "Global-Love Card" with other domestic websites. The card has been added with the graphic function in sending (gesturing language) and Chinese shortened message. Once charged with electricity, a flash will appear on the phone-panel, which enables the deaf and mute users to communicate easily by using the love card.

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A kind of mobile phone specially designed for deaf and mute was launched Wednesday by China Mobile, the company contributed 220 such phones to China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped including 100 for the deaf and mute in Taiwan.

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