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Wednesday, September 13, 2000, updated at 11:22(GMT+8)

Chinese Scientists Discovered New Immuno-molecular Gene

By using the DNA sequencing technology, Chinese scientists have for the first time discovered a new type of immuno-molecular gene in its whole length - MIP-2γfrom the immuno-cells of human body, and the thesis on related characteristics and functions of the new gene has already been published on the American magazine "Immunology".

The gene, discovered by professor Cao Xuetao and other research fellows of Shanghai Huachen Biotechnological Institute and Second Military Medical University, is a new one discovered for the first time by Chinese scientists in the world and owns fully intellectual property rights. The result marks that China has scored great progress in the study of immunology.

Studies show that MIP-2γgene expresses itself in kidney and small intestines and is related to the functions and diseases of the two organs. According to the prediction of specialists the gene plays a very important role in numerous processes of physiology and pathology, especially in the immune function of organism, and relevant studies will help develop a new way for human body to resist tumor, infection, put right immuodeficiency and cure immune diseases.

According to professor Cao, down-to-earth work still has to be furthered in such basic studies as single-clone antibody, acceptor clone and tap for signal conduction system, etc.

So far, the new gene in its whole length has been applied for the state invention patent.

In This Section

By using the DNA sequencing technology, Chinese scientists have for the first time discovered a new type of immuno-molecular gene in its whole length - MIP-2γfrom the immuno-cells of human body, and the thesis on related characteristics and functions of the new gene has already been published on the American magazine "Immunology".

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