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Saturday, July 29, 2000, updated at 16:12(GMT+8)

New Website to Promote Trade Between Tianjin, Taiwan

A new website,, was established Friday to promote trade between Tianjin, a port city in north China, and Taiwan.

The website, sponsored by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Tianjin Municipal Government, is aimed at providing trade information, policies and consultation about investment in Tianjin for Taiwanese businessmen.

At a meeting on improving investment environment for Taiwan businesspeople, Wang Shuzu, vice-mayor of the city, said that Tianjin has made preferential policies to encourage overseas investment in the city.

"No matter what happens, Tianjin will always protect the interests of Taiwanese businessmen," Wang said.

In recent years, the direct investment of Taiwan businessmen in Tianjin increased by 200 million U.S. dollars annually. By the end of June this year, a total of 1,435 Taiwan-funded enterprises had been approved by the city, with a contracted Taiwan investment of 2.29 billion U.S. dollars.

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A new website,, was established Friday to promote trade between Tianjin, a port city in north China, and Taiwan.

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