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Friday, July 28, 2000, updated at 21:32(GMT+8)

China's Most Advanced Cold-Rolled Steel Production Line Put Into Use

China's most advanced cold-rolled steel production line goes into operation today in the Baoshan Iron and Steel Company in Shanghai.

The production line costing 8 billion yuan (964 million US dollars) is capable of producing 1.4 million tons of cold-rolled steel a year. It is estimated that the company's sales income will increase by 7 billion yuan (843 million dollars) a year. It will become one of the company's major income sources.

Main equipment of the production line was imported from Japan and Germany, and supporting facilities were made by Chinese enterprises.

The company is expected to supply cold-rolled steel used in manufacturing cars for the Shanghai Volkswagen Corp. and the Shanghai General Motors Co. Ltd..

However, the company's general manager Xie Qihua said that although the production line can produce some 1,000 kinds of cold- rolled steel, it still can not meet domestic demand.

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China's most advanced cold-rolled steel production line goes into operation today in the Baoshan Iron and Steel Company in Shanghai.

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