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Friday, June 09, 2000, updated at 10:08(GMT+8)

Engineering Management Departmen of CAE to be set up

The fifth Academicians Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering passed a resolution on June 7 through voting, deciding to set up an Engineering Management Department concerning "engineering management", which means there will be academicians in the engineering management field and the number of the departments subordinated to the Chinese Academy of Engineering has increased from seven to eight.

The Session of the Fifth Academicians' Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering was held on June 7, at which, Pan Jiazheng, vice-president of the Academy, made the "report on the suggestion of establishing the Management Science and Engineering Department of Chinese Academy of Engineering" on behalf of the presidium. After deliberation, the decision mentioned above was made. Four hundred and forty-six academicians voted among which 445 votes were valid. Two hundred and thirty-six voted for, 147 against, and 62 abstention.

Pan Jiazheng said, "This is the result of the exercise of the rights by the academicians as well as the normal reflection of their opinions."

A small Engineering Management Department will be established on the basis of the current Management Science and Engineering Committee with some academicians added to it. The first group of newly-added academicians will be no more than seven persons.

Wang Dianzuo, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that special methods were adopted to elect additional academicians. The election of additional academicians must be tightly controlled to prevent electing unqualified persons. In addition to the strict implementation of the standards and requirements specified in the related constitutions of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the nominees must have the tittles of professor, researcher and senior engineer of professor level. They must have related foundation of engineering science, achieved successes and made contribution in engineering management.

The establishment of the Engineering Management Department has been brewing for a long time. In November 1998, the Management Science and Engineering Committee of Chinese Academy of Engineering was set up. Afterwards, a series of activities were carried out to investigate the development of China's management science and engineering. Right before the academician conference was held this year, to widely solicit the academicians' opinions, the Chinese Academy of Engineering organized up to 20 forums successively and listened to the opinions and suggestions from more than 200 academicians directly. Further studies and adjustments regarding the election of additional academicians will be made by the Chinese Academy of Engineering on the basis of the academicians' opinions.

The Chinese Academy of Engineering now has 544 academicians and seven engineering departments including machinery and transportation, information and electronics, chemical industry, metallurgy and material, energy and mineral, civil engineering, water conservancy and construction, agriculture, textile and other light industries and environment, and medical and health.

In This Section

The fifth Academicians Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering passed a resolution on June 7 through voting, deciding to set up an Engineering Management Department concerning "engineering management", which means there will be academicians in the engineering management field and the number of the departments subordinated to the Chinese Academy of Engineering has increased from seven to eight.

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