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Friday, June 09, 2000, updated at 14:09(GMT+8)

Universities' Sci-tech Research Funds into Rank

"Chinese Universities Lineup" website (, authorized by the Ministry of Education, lately released statistics on funds used for sci-tech research and economic returns from school-run industrial undertakings in universities in 1999.

Statistics show that there are 275,000 people engaged at present in sci-tech research in Chinese universities, helped with a total of 9.95 billion yuan of funds raised through various channels, a 21.3% growth over last year. Of these, 24 universities each have a fund over 100 million yuan to make a total of 4.43 billion yuan, taking 44.5% of the national.

Universities listed among the top 50 have a fund totaling 6.29 billion yuan, taking up 63.2% of the national. Qinghua University ranked first for it has a research fund of 551 million yuan; Zhejiang University comes close after, with a research fund of 500 million yuan. The others followed in order are: Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tianjin University, Harbin University of Engineering, Northeast China University, Tongji University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronuatics Engineering, Northwest China University of Engineering, and Huazhong University of Science and Engineering.

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"Chinese Universities Lineup" website (, authorized by the Ministry of Education, lately released statistics on funds used for sci-tech research and economic returns from school-run industrial undertakings in universities in 1999.

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