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Thursday, June 08, 2000, updated at 12:47(GMT+8)

Harbin College Inaugurated

Harbin College has been founded lately as a new merger of Harbin Teacher's College, Harbin University, Harbin Education Institute, Harbin Adult's Education College and Harbin Normal School. Hence putting an end to the history of having no higher education institutions directly under local administration, according to a recent report from the municipal government of Harbin.

Approved by the Ministry of Education, the newly established college is to be run with the designated task for an integration of normal education with non-normal vocational course study. Outstanding are many a varied forms to be adopted such as all-day education, spare-time education, correspondence education and short training course. There are presently 433 teachers, 21 departments, 7 majors for undergraduate study, 18 majors for professional training, with a student body of 5,000.

News reports also say a 50,00 teaching building, dormitories and other construction projects will be completed late in August and new efforts for a raise of teaching quality by the college are expected.

In This Section

Harbin College has been founded lately as a new merger of Harbin Teacher's College, Harbin University, Harbin Education Institute, Harbin Adult's Education College and Harbin Normal School. Hence putting an end to the history of having no higher education institutions directly under local administration, according to a recent report from the municipal government of Harbin.

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