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Wednesday, May 24, 2000, updated at 09:13(GMT+8)

Senior Army Official Meets Indian Guest

Zhang Li, assistant chief of General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, met with Major General Renjen, senior instructor of the Indian National Defense College, and his party in Beiing Tuesday.

Zhang said China and India enjoy broad common interest in both international and regional issues, and China highly appreciates India's support to China on the issues concerning human rights and Taiwan.

He also noted that communications between the armed forces of the two countries would help deepen mutual understanding and trust. Renjen expressed the conviction that his current visit would help deepen understanding between the two armies.

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Zhang Li, assistant chief of General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, met with Major General Renjen, senior instructor of the Indian National Defense College, and his party in Beiing Tuesday.

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