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Friday, May 12, 2000, updated at 08:45(GMT+8)

Internet Refrigerator: Electrical Appliance of the Future?

An Internet refrigerator attracted great attention from visitors to the Third Beijing International High-tech Week which opened in Beijing on May 8.

The new product was developed by Ericsson and Electrolux, the two leading companies in telecoms and electric appliances.

"We make it possible to browse stores for the best prices through a screen on the refrigerator," an Ericsson employee told Xinhua at an exhibition organized as part of the Beijing High-tech Week.

"We enable our consumers to write a shopping list on the refrigerator screen, and with a button, to order the purchase directly from the shop by a simple click."

She also said that in the future, the company's researchers will be able to control the contents of the fridge with bar codes. "For example, when you take out butter, this will be detected by the fridge and you will be reminded to add butter to your shopping list."

Many experts believe that the new refrigerator represents part of the future of electrical appliances, which eventually will be able to connect with the Internet and make logging on in the kitchen at home a reality.

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An Internet refrigerator attracted great attention from visitors to the Third Beijing International High-tech Week.

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