Overseas Hi-Tech Entrepreneurs Favor Beijing |
The Beijing Technological and Economic Development Area was a big winner during the recent International High-tech Industries Week from May 8 to 12. |
High-tech Week Bags More Deals |
Participants at the International High-Tech Industries Week events in Beijing signed contracts worth US$6.023 billion, about 10 times the average value of previous two sessions. |
China at Forefront of World's High-Technologies |
In the past five days, Chinese visitors were deeply impressed by the just-concluded China ( Beijing) International High-Tech Industries Week 2000. |
Chinese Software Industry Has Great Potential |
China's software industry has the potential strength to meet the challenges that will arise from foreign software companies after China joins the World Trade Organization, if it brings its strong points into full play. |
China's Township Enterprises Expect a New Round of Booming |
The development speed of township enterprises has slowed down in recent years due to some internal problems and conflicts. Township enterprises must adjust their industrial structure to find a way out. |
Internet Refrigerator: Electrical Appliance of the Future? |
An Internet refrigerator attracted great attention from visitors to the Third Beijing International High-tech Week. |
Li Peng Visits Exposition during Hi-Tech Industries Week |
Li Peng visited an exposition on the Third Session of the China (Beijing) International Hi-Tech Industries Week 2000 Wednesday evening at the Agricultural Exhibition Center in Beijing. |
China's Growth Firms to Receive Boost in Overseas Stock-Listing |
Signs have shown that China's high- tech growth firms may expect a promising future in raising funds from overseas growth enterprise stock markets. |
China's Hi-tech Industries Keep Good Growth Momentum |
A spokesman of the State Development Planning Commission, said at the ongoing Beijing Hi-tech Industries Forum that currently the development situation of China's h-tech industries is good and the government should continue to strengthen support and guidance to the development of high-tech industries. |
China's High-Tech Zones Increasingly Important to Economy |
The 53 state-level high-tech development zones in China reaped 63.1 billion yuan of gross profits last year, indicating their growing role in the country's economy development. Statistics show that since their establishment in 1988, the zones' industrial output value, gross profits and foreign trade earnings have grown 79.8 percent, 69.4 percent and 73.5 percent, respectively, on an annual basis, far exceeding the growth rate of other sectors. |
German Firms Conspicuous in Exhibition |
Germany prided itself on being the largest exhibition group at the Metal and Metallurgy China Show which began its five-day run on Tuesday in Beijing. Foreign exhibitors have about 50 per cent of the 25,000-square-metre exhibition area with Germany's 34 companies accounting for 12 per cent of the total. |
State Councilor Hails Prospects for High-tech Exports |
Chinese State Councilor Wu Yi stressed Tuesday that China should boost its foreign trade by stepping up scientific research and developing more technology- intensive export commodities. Wu stressed that China should seize the opportunity amid global and national economic re-adjustment and place its priority on updating research and development, replacing resource-intensive and labor-intensive products with high-tech commodities as the major portion of the country's exports. |
China Supports High-Tech Industries through Preferential Fiscal, Tax Policies |
The Chinese government is supporting the development of high-tech industries through its preferential fiscal and tax policies, according to an official with the Ministry of Finance. High- tech enterprises in state-approved high-tech development zones will enjoy a preferential income tax rate of 15 percent. |
Technology Week Creates Major Buzz |
China will provide more opportunities for high-technology exchanges, Beijing Mayor Liu Qi said at May 8's opening ceremony for the Third Session of the China (Beijing) International High-Tech Industries Week 2000. |
Venture Capital Industry Prospers |
During China Beijing International High-tech Industries Week opened on May 8, some venture capital enterprises were assiduously seeking partners. Enterprises gained a lot from venture capital like Legend Group also expressed their willingness to tap this industry. |
Premier Zhu Rongji Meets International Celebrities for Hi-Tech Fair |
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji met with scores of international celebrities who are attending the Third Session of the China (Beijing) International High-tech Industries Week 2000. |
Beijing Hi-Tech Week Opens |
The 3rd Session of the China (Beijing) International Hi-Tech Industries Week 2000 officially opened in Beijing on May 8. |
HK Takes Part in Beijing International Hi-Tech Week |
A Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government delegation, led by Secretary for Trade and Industry Chau Tak Hay, is participating in the China (Beijing) International High-Tech Industries Week 2000, which opened in the Chinese capital on May 8. |
Hi-Tech Week - Hot Topic of the Week |
High-tech has once again aroused an advent in Beijing, with the opening of the Third China International Hi-Tech Week on Monday. Scientists from home and abroad are happy that their latest research results will make their debut, and at the same time, businessmen see golden business opportunities at the fair. |
3rd Beijing International Hi-tech Week in Full Gear |
The 3rd Beijing International Hi-tech Week will be on in Beijing on May 8. |