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Tuesday, May 02, 2000, updated at 11:00(GMT+8)

Sino-Japanese Project to Upgrade Saline Soil

A Sino-Japanese cooperative project has been signed in Taiyuan under which Japanese Agro-scientists will cooperate with their Chinese counterparts to improve the quality of saline soil in north China's Shanxi province.

Japan will provide about 120 million Japanese yen's worth of apparatuses, devices and materials needed for the project, and Japanese experts in the field will also be sent to work in the project while some Chinese participators will receive related training in Japan.

Implementation of the project is focused on spreading a special fertilizer developed by a Japanese expert who has made numerous field trips to Shanxi since 1996. The fertilizer, after having been experimented with for two consecutive years, proved to be effective in improving the saline soil and greatly raising its grain yields.

Shanxi is a province with large areas of saline soil, which could add up to 300,000 hectares in total.

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A Sino-Japanese cooperative project has been signed in Taiyuan under which Japanese Agro-scientists will cooperate with their Chinese counterparts to improve the quality of saline soil in north China's Shanxi province.

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