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Monday, April 17, 2000, updated at 14:20(GMT+8)

Greater Job Opportunities Expected for College Graduates in China

Sources from the Ministry of Education (MOE) say increased job opportunities are expected for college students in China this year. From the outset, the country's employment work for college graduates this year represents a good start thanks to a rising demand from an orderly labor market developed as a result of improved services and management provided.

Statistics show college graduates in China will number 1.07 million this year, including 1.01 million with a bachelor's degree and junior college graduates, and 60,000 postgraduates. Of the 45 higher education institutions originally put under the MOE, a large student body of graduates is to be provided yet to fall short of market demand and there are as many as 32 universities and colleges, and this is especially so with 27 of these, with their graduates to face a better employment situation than last, generally in a proportion of 1 : 5, and even at a rate of as much high as 1 : 10, far from meeting demand in China.

An encouraging situation to be especially noted is a growing number of college graduates to be needed in the coastal regions of eastern China and such big cities and provinces as Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangdong, Jiangs and Zhejiang. Zhejiang is in particular in demand for a greater number of college graduates than universities and colleges can supply since 1994. Against these are also an increased number of college graduates being in demand in central and western regions and college graduates under supply in faraway and undeveloped areas in China.

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Sources from the Ministry of Education say increased job opportunities are expected for college students in China this year.

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