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More Taiwan Businesses people to Invest in East China City

Investors from Taiwan have Gone in for more than 760 businesses in Kunshan, an emerging city in east China's Jiangsu Province, involving a total investment of 4.2 billion U.S. dollars, or one-tenth of the entire Taiwan investment on the Chinese mainland.

More than 20 of Taiwan's top 100 corporations have set up subsidiaries in Kunshan to help it form five pillar industries, namely, information technology, precision machinery, refined chemicals, high-quality textiles, and new building materials. Over 90 percent of the businesses financed by the Taiwanese businesspeople in Kunshan are engaged in high-tech industries, with approximately 200 of them focusing on the industry of information technology.

Local analysts attributed the surge in Taiwan investment in the city to its ever improving business environment over the past two decades.

The city of Kunshan has worked out and implemented a series of regulations to standardize the administration of Taiwan investment. A Taiwan investors' association and a complaint center have been established to help Taiwan investors cope with their actual problems and difficulties in production or businesses.

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Investors from Taiwan have Gone in for more than 760 businesses in Kunshan, an emerging city in east China's Jiangsu Province, involving a total investment of 4.2 billion U.S. dollars, or one-tenth of the entire Taiwan investment on the Chinese mainland.

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