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'Special marriage group' byproduct of social times

(China Daily)

09:32, June 06, 2013

Many people meet in special parks in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai to select potential life partners for their marriageable age children from families in the same social class. Although some people say such parents are too pragmatic, their criticism seems to be unfounded, says an article in Chongqing Times.

The "special marriage group" can be seen as an indicator of utilitarianism where a person that meets the criteria becomes a sought-after subject while those who don't are treated as outsiders. To some degree, the group is reminiscent of the tradition of people marrying into families of equal status.

Parents know full well that marriage should be built on love. But they also know that couples, especially the young ones, need a realistic foundation, and certain basic necessities and security to lead a decent life. If it's not possible to have a dream marriage, there is nothing wrong in being practical or pragmatic about marital relationship.

Having a realistic foundation depends on individuals' efforts, and equal opportunity and social security for all. Otherwise, people could lose their confidence to make any decision. And such lack of confidence among people could lead to the formation of special marriage groups.

In an age of free love, everyone has the right to pursue a happy married life. But a happy marriage depends, among other things, on whether a man has enough wealth. As a result, the special group is a mere byproduct of the social times.

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