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English>>China Society

Officer jailed, sold people’s private info

By Sun Xiaobo (Global Times)

08:18, November 20, 2012

A traffic police officer in Henan Province was sentenced to six months in detention with a one-year reprieve by a local court for illegally trading 12,441 pieces of personal information, marking the first person convicted in such a case in the province, the Zhengzhou-based Dahe Daily reported Monday.

The Shangcheng County People's Court in the province sentenced the 28-year-old police officer, surnamed Tong, after he earned 61,429.01 yuan ($9,847) from selling the personal information he copied from the public security bureau's internal database.

Tong contacted the buyers online, and negotiated his fee through online messaging platforms including QQ and China Mobile's Fetion, and received payment through AliPay. The case against the buyers has not been announced.

The personal data leaked by Tong included information on people's identity and vehicle ownership and hotel check-in records.

He was also fined 10,000 yuan, and had all his unlawful gains and computer confiscated, in accordance with the Criminal Law.

Article 253 of the law stipulates that any employee of the State or entity in the fields of finance, transportation, education or medical treatment who sells or illegally provides other citizens' personal information will be sentenced to prison for up to three years and may be fined.

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