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English>>China Society

Students ignore campus traffic lights

By Du Liya (Global Times)

09:15, November 08, 2012

Over 80 percent of pedestrians strolling through the campus of the Wuhan-based Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei Province, are ignoring traffic lights that have been recently set up at the school's two busiest intersections, the Wuhan Evening News reported Wednesday.

The traffic lights on the massive campus are in operation between 7 am to 9 pm, but at one traffic light only 40 of 220 pedestrian stopped for a red light over a 10-minute period. Only two of the 70 vehicles that passed the intersection during the same period ran the red light, said the newspaper.

"The lights have just come into service this semester and it takes time for students and teachers to get used to them," a staff member at the university's security department, who declined to be identified, told the Global Times, adding that traffic control on campus has improved.

Pu Qi, professor with the Urban Mass Transit Railway Research Institute at Tongji University, told the Global Times that traffic lights on campus can play a positive role in helping students form good traffic habits and maintain the school's traffic order.

"High frequency traffic violations are due to the public's lack of road safety awareness," Pu added.

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