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English>>China Society

High-minded group with an intelligent outlook

(China Daily)

13:41, November 07, 2012

Members of Mensa China gather in Beijing. It emerged in late 2007 and was formally recognized as an emerging Mensa group in 2011. Zhu Xingxin / China Daily

Mensa's ideals are often put to the test, reports Shan Juan in Beijing.

Yang Bingyang is a busy woman. Her roles include Internet sensation, magazine columnist, author and television host. She also owns an online cosmetics shop. The 28-year-old Sichuan native is highly protective of her public image and seldom leaves home without applying makeup and often carries false eyelashes in case she's asked to pose for press photographers unexpectedly.

However, Yang has yet another role. Perhaps surprisingly in a country where brains and beauty are often regarded as being mutually exclusive, she is also chair of the Chinese branch of Mensa International, the society for people with high IQs.

Founded in the United Kingdom in 1946, Mensa has around 110,000 members in more than 100 countries and regions and aims to provide a forum for intellectual exchange among its members.

Eligibility is restricted to those able to attain a score within the upper 2 percent of the general population on an approved intelligence test. Although the society doesn't disclose its criteria by region, the required IQ level for people on the Chinese mainland should be at least 135.

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