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NDU experts exchange views on 18th CPC National Congress with foreign officer-cadets

(China Military Online)

09:08, November 20, 2012

The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which successfully concluded on November 14, 2012, has received worldwide attention. How does the international community think about this congress? What does the world expect of China?

Four experts and scholars from the National Defense University (NDU), namely, Yan Xiaofeng, Cai Renzhao, Liu Zhifu and Guo Fenghai, exchanged frankly on these topics with 129 foreign military officer-cadets from 71 countries on November 17.

The officer-cadets from Malaysia, South Africa, Ghana, Togo, Tunisia, Botswana, Pakistan and other countries raised questions involving national strategy, economic development, science & technology innovation, anti-corruption, maintenance of peace in the region and the world and so on. Yan Xiaofeng and other experts answered each of the questions and exchanged views with the foreign offier-cadets on the site.

Asif, brigadier general of the Pakistan Army, expressed that through the dialogue and exchange, he further understood the election process of the Communist Party of China and the dialogue deepened his understanding of Chinese democratic politics. He believes that the new generation of central collective leadership will usher China into a brighter future. At the same time, he also showed his great interest on how China will handle the relations with various countries of the world.

Almost all the foreign officer-cadets voluntarily joined in the dialogue and exchange.

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