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English>>Life & Culture

Lusheng dance favored by ethnic minorities [Video]


08:22, November 12, 2012

The Lusheng dance, intangible cultural heritage, is a typical dance favored by ethnic minorities like the Miao, Dong and Yi.(

The Lusheng dance, intangible cultural heritage, is a typical dance favored by ethnic minorities like the Miao, Dong and Yi. This unique folk dance is performed during nearly every celebration in their communities.

The dance originated from ancient rituals, such as praying for a good harvest before sowing season, or giving thanks to gods after a good harvest. It is danced to different songs, each with a different meaning and played in different situations. But nowadays, it is usually performed in a cheery mood and has become a recreational activity during festivals.

During a festival, groups of highly-skilled Lusheng dancers from various villages get together to showcase their individual styles. While playing the Lusheng, a kind of reed-pipe wind instrument, they dance in complicated patterns, and sing to each other. The lively dance is also a chance for young men and women to seek a romantic partner.

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