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English>>Life & Culture

Magic of European cinema returns to China

By Ye Xin (People's Daily Online)

16:07, November 05, 2012

A press conference is held to announce the opening of European Union Film Festival (EUFF) at Megabox Cinema in Sanlitun Village, Beijing on Dec. 1, 2012. (People's Daily Online/ Ye Xin)

The magic of European cinema returns to China for its fifth year, as the European Union Film Festival (EUFF) kicks off in four Chinese cities starting on Nov.1, 2012.

Featuring 26 films from all over Europe, along with a selection of short films, the EUFF, presented by the Delegation of the European Union to China in partnership with the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, returns to Beijing, Chengdu and Shenzhen, and is joined this year by a fourth host city, Tianjin.

The EUFF opens Thursday in Beijing with a screening of Cyprus' Fish & Chips, and continues through Nov. 30. Screenings take place in Tianjin from 8th-14th November; Chengdu from Nov. 15 to 22; and Shenzhen from Nov. 23 to 29.

"The best films bring diversity to the foreground, while underscoring the values, the feelings and the longings that we all share as human beings. This year's festival program reflects the great diversity of the EU, with different films from different EU Member States, in many European languages. We hope it will give the Chinese people an opportunity to discover or foster a deeper understanding of the European Union and its diverse peoples and cultures through the wonderful medium of film", said Dr. Markus Ederer, Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to China.

Following the fifth edition of the EUFF, the first edition of the EUFF Online will take place on the video platform of Sohu for three months, starting from the end of November 2012.

The EUFF Online, which is organized by the European Commission in cooperation with Sohu, will showcase recent, popular and successful films from various EU member countries. Each film will be screened in their original language with Chinese subtitles.

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