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English>>China Business

Global iron ore prices expected to decline (3)

(China Daily)

14:39, November 22, 2012

Meanwhile, to further reflect supply and demand, the platform is working on releasing a benchmark price, which can mirror iron ore prices on the spot market.

"In the past, we had benchmark prices every three days, but only provided them to our members for their decision-making processes," Dong said. "We are considering making those prices public and publishing them daily in the future."

When the trading volume of the platform accounts for more than 5 percent of the total spot trading volume in China, it will publish the transaction prices of the previous day on a daily basis, Dong said.

Officials from the Dalian Commodity Exchange said earlier this month that the China Securities Regulatory Commission has allowed the exchange to study the establishment of iron ore futures.

The exchange is mulling the listing details for iron ore futures, according to Liu Xingqiang, general manager of the exchange.

Dong said that, as a spot-trading platform for iron ore, the exchange is closely watching the development of iron ore futures and other forms of related derivatives.

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