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English>>China Business

Shoe maker Aokang anti-dumping win 'positive precedent' (2)

By YU RAN (China Daily)

09:12, November 20, 2012

Trade protectionism in the name of "anti-dumping" had already affected Chinese leather shoemakers, whose exports to Europe rapidly decreased since 2006 when the EU began levying punitive tariffs of 16.5 percent on Chinese footwear for two years. The levies were later extended through March 2011.

Before the EU imposed the anti-dumping measures, China's leather-shoe exports to Europe had expanded at an average annual growth rate of 20 percent, which ended with the imposition of the duties.

Statistics from the Ministry of Commerce showed that the EU's punitive action has made 20,000 people jobless and reduced China's footwear exports by 20 percent from 2006 to 2010.

For other shoe manufacturers, the case of Aokang has brought confidence and courage to tackle similar unfair policies.

"We've never thought of appealing to the EU over the anti-dumping duties that severely affected our businesses in Europe, but transferring the focus to other countries," said Pan Jianzhong, chairman of Wenzhou Juyi Group Co Ltd, a shoe manufacturer.

Pan added that Aokang's case has encouraged local trading manufacturers to fight for their own rights under the law, which finally will bring them justice.

In addition, it is also a good sign for local associations that had witnessed hundreds of enterprises squeezing profits as a result of the duties before 2011.

【1】 【2】 【3】

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