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English>>China Business

Huawei, ZTE risks 'overstated' (4)

By Wang Jun in Los Angeles (China Daily)

08:30, November 13, 2012

The presentation's content was seen as similar to that of the eventual House committee report.

"It's good if it's healthy and everyone plays fairly, by the same rules," Kantor said of competition between such rival companies.

"But in this case, the report is wrong. I hope that responsible officials in the US government read it, understand that the report is not what it pretends to be, and will act in a mature fashion supporting open trade.

"We can use investment and commercial relations to build our political relations as well," he added.

"Commercial relations are wonderful ways to bring countries closer together because both sides have something to gain and something to lose.

"We've got to be open to each other in promoting our own products and attracting products and investment from other nations.

Kantor's work since leaving government office has seen him guiding US companies' entry into European and Asian markets, and he said the US must turn its concerns over China into opportunities.

"Opportunities to make progress, to cooperate, to sit down and understand each other's goals, aspirations," he said.

"We have many things in common that bring us together. We need to use that as a foundation to build our relations," Kantor added.

"There's a huge amount of Chinese investment in the US. Haier and Lenovo, for instance, have been very viable and have done very well in the US."

Criticisms such as those in the House committee report can be costly to any company, individual or government, Kantor said.

"We are by far the two most powerful nations. Therefore, we have a special obligation to work together."

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