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English>>China Business

Chinese firms look to UK railway projects

By Diao Ying in London (China Daily)

09:02, November 07, 2012

A high-speed train passes through Weifang, Shandong province. Chinese infrastructure companies have already completed projects in developing economies, such as Algeria, Libya and Nigeria. (China Daily Photo)

Britain seen as gateway to other mature markets for Chinese

Top Chinese contractors are looking to take part in railway projects in the United Kingdom, seeing that as a way to promote their brands in developed economies.

"We hope we can work on some good railway projects in the UK," said Liu Yuling, general manager of China Civil Engineering Construction Corp, which has built railways in Algeria, Libya, Nigeria and other countries.

His words were echoed by CITIC Construction Co Ltd, another Chinese company, whose projects include a $3.5 billion housing project in Angola.

"We've been looking at the UK market for about a year," said Xu Mingguang, vice-president of the company's investment department. CITIC is considering undertaking large projects concerning transportation, water, and energy, among other things, Xu said.

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