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Former PM accuses Hezbollah of bringing Lebanon to brink of danger


08:56, June 14, 2013

BEIRUT, June 13 (Xinhua) -- Former Lebanese Prime Minister and opposition leader Saad Hariri on Thursday accused Hezbollah of bringing Lebanon to the brink of danger and threatening Lebanon's values of cultural and religious diversity.

In a statement released by his media office, Hariri accused Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, of deciding to be "the head of the state and the supreme commander of the armed forces and the executive authority that allows opening the borders to thousands of fighters to participate in the Syrian war, and the legislative authority that issues fatwas to defend religious shrines and the regimes of resistance outside the borders."

Hariri, who left Lebanon two years ago for security reasons, said "Hezbollah is putting the national fate once again at a critical juncture."

"When we say national fate, we do not mean the fate of a sect or group, but we are talking about a danger threatening everyone without exception, because none of the Lebanese groups ... the Sunnis, Shiites, Druzes and the Christians, can avoid the slope that Hezbollah is dragging Lebanon to," he said.

Hariri, son of slain Prime Minister Rafic Hariri and leader of the March 14 opposition camp, called on putting Hezbollah's weapons under the "authority of the Lebanese state," a demand rejected by the militant group as it "eliminates the resistance against Israel."

Backed by Saudi Arabia, Hariri opposes the Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad and supports the Syrian rebellion. He is also a strong opponent of Hezbollah's involvement in the Syrian crisis.

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