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BRICS nations vow to deepen economic, trade cooperation

BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- BRICS economic and trade ministers have pledged to deepen cooperation in fields including digital economy, trade investment and sustainable development, supply chain and multilateral trade mechanisms, according to China's Ministry of Commerce. The 12th meeting of BRICS economic and trade ministers, held Thursday via video link, approved a joint communique and agreed on several proposals and frameworks in these relevant fields to make preparations for the 14th BRICS summit.

South Africa expects greater, deeper partnership with other BRICS countries: President Ramaphosa

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa answers questions about the BRICS partnership during a media briefing in Cape Town, South Africa, on June 10, 2022. Ramaphosa on Friday said his country wants to see a "greater and deeper partnership" with other members of BRICS, an "attractive" bloc that many other countries have confidence in.

BRICS countries should cooperate on food security: Chinese official

BEIJING, June 9 (Xinhua) -- BRICS countries should deepen cooperation on food security and poverty reduction to contribute to global food security, said China's agriculture minister Tang Renjian on Wednesday. Tang, minister of agriculture and rural affairs, made the remarks while attending the 12th Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Agriculture via video link.

Chinese vice premier calls on BRICS nations to deepen cooperation

BEIJING, June 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua called on BRICS countries to deepen practical cooperation in the economic and trade field, as well as promoting cooperation on the digital economy and other emerging areas. Hu made the remarks when addressing the 12th meeting of BRICS economic and trade ministers via video link on Thursday.

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