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BRICS countries vow to deepen business cooperation

Aerial photo taken on Dec. 17, 2020 shows a panoramic view of the headquarters building of BRICS New Development Bank in east China's Shanghai.

BRICS countries pledge to deepen cooperation on intelligent customs

BEIJING, June 7 (Xinhua) -- Customs authorities of BRICS countries vowed to deepen cooperation on intelligent customs at a virtual meeting on Tuesday. Customs cooperation between BRICS countries has seen fruitful results since the establishment of the cooperation mechanism in 2013, while bilateral trade has maintained steady growth, said Sun Yuning, deputy head of the General Administration of Customs of China.

Stronger BRICS ties seen as key to world recovery

Financial cooperation among members a 'critical anchor' for global growth [Photo/CHINA DAILY] In the face of a sluggish global recovery from the COVID-19 hit, BRICS countries-Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa-should enhance cooperation and better safeguard people's lives to underpin a stable world economic recovery, China's Finance Minister Liu Kun said on Monday. Liu made the remarks when chairing the Second BRICS Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting via video link in Beijing.

BRICS countries vow to deepen financial cooperation

BEIJING, June 6 (Xinhua) -- The Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of BRICS countries issued a joint statement at a virtual meeting on Monday, reaching consensus on deepening financial cooperation and strengthening coordination on macroeconomic policy. The meeting, co-chaired by China's central bank governor Yi Gang and finance minister Liu Kun, discussed topics such as improving the Contingent Reserve Arrangement and the cooperation of transition finance and other areas.

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