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Four bee-eaters perching on a branch. (Photo/Li Chuanshi)

S China's Haikou sees bee-eater population rise from 26 to 72 in four years

A record 72 bee-eaters were recently counted at Wuyuanhe National Wetland Park in Haikou, capital of south China's Hainan province, an increase from 26 as recorded in 2018, thanks to local authorities' continuous efforts in environmental protection. The species is a second-class protected animal in China.

Kunming Zoo welcomes a newborn Asian elephant calf

Photo taken on Oct. 20, 2021 shows a newborn Asian elephant calf and his mother Yaming in Kunming Zoo, southwest China's Yunnan Province.

Golden snub-nosed monkeys in Hubei Shennongjia enter gestation period

The golden snub-nosed monkeys in Shennongjia Forestry District in Hubei Province. (Photo: China News Service/Deng Kai) The golden snub-nosed monkeys in Shennongjia have entered the gestation period.

COP15 venues open to public for free

People visit the Kunming Dianchi International Convention &Exhibition Center, a venue of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province, Oct. 18, 2021.

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