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Whooper swans migrate to nature reserve in Shandong for winter

Photo taken on Oct. 17, 2021 shows the whooper swans at the national nature reserve for whooper swans in Rongcheng City, east China's Shandong Province.

Ecological Civilization Forum of COP15 closes in Kunming

Zhao Yingmin, vice minister of China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment, presides over the closing ceremony of the Ecological Civilization Forum of the first part of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, or COP15, in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province, Oct. 15, 2021.

Views of Baofeng Peninsula Wetland in Kunming,Yunnan

Photo taken on Oct. 15, 2021 shows a view of the Baofeng Peninsula Wetland in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province.

Fuligong Greenhouses at Kunming Botanical Garden

Aerial photo taken on Sept. 26, 2021 shows the view of the Fuligong Greenhouses at Kunming Botanical Garden in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province.

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