Fri,Oct 11,2013
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Zhou Haiming investigates UAE and South Africa markets

(People's Daily Online)    16:42, October 11, 2013
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Recently, a delegation led by Zhou Haiming, Deputy Party Secretary and Chairman of the Trade Union of Bright Food Group, paid a visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and South Africa for market investigation.

When visiting Dubai of UAE, Zhou Haiming gave a brief introduction of the objectives and tasks of Bright Food Group and Shanghai Maling Aquarius Co., Ltd. to be achieved this year after listening to the market reports made by some local distributor partners. She also encouraged the companies to redouble their efforts in the rest of the year to attain this year’s sales targets by expanding their marketing channels and product varieties. Meanwhile, she also set forth some requirements on the sales tasks for the coming year. While in Durban of South Africa, Zhou Haiming led the delegation to visit one large local import and export corporation, which had the influence of its sales model expand in the whole Africa based on South Africa, mainly covering the markets of West and East Africa. After making an investigation on the local canned food market there, Zhou Haiming expressed that she had great confidence in the canned meats and canned fish of Bright Food Group entering into the Africa market, and she also hoped that Shanghai Maling (Czech) a. s. would penetrate into the Africa market with its pork luncheon meat products at the same time. (By Wu Yanbing)

(Editor:YaoChun、Chen Lidan)

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