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Bright Food Group holds Weetabix China Strategy Seminar

(People's Daily Online)

15:05, July 09, 2013

Chairman Wang Zongnan delivers a speech in the seminar.

Weetabix China Strategy Seminar was held on July 2 in Shanghai. Executives from Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd., Lion Capital, Nanpu Food (Group) Co., Ltd., and Weetabix attended the seminar. During the seminar which was presided by CEO Giles Turrell of Weetabix, Chairman Wang Zongnan and CFO Cao Xiaofeng of Bright Food Group listened to the reports by Weetabix and Nanpu Food Group on future business expansion in China’s market. Four consultant companies, which had been entrusted to help Weetabix learn more about local market, also attended the seminar with valuable information.

At the seminar, Weetabix expressed its ambition to win China’ market in a long run, and introduced a business development framework made on the basis of thorough market investigations. Chairman Lin Jianhua of Nanpu Food Group, Weetabix’s general agent in China, also shared his ideas and plans about how to tailor products for its targeted customers and make successful market promotion in China.

After the brief introduction by Weetabix and Nanpu Food Group about their strategic plans as well as consultant companies for their findings, Wang delivered a speech with recognition given to the on-going collaboration between Weetabix and Nanpu Food Group. Wang hoped that, with further communication, both parties could lay a solid basis for Weetabix’s expedition in China. At this critical juncture to penetrate into China’s market, Weetabix should have a smart sense of timing and concentrate on its differentiated competitive edge strikingly.

Wang also recommended that necessary product adjustment be made accordingly to cater for Chinese customers’ taste and preference. Weetabix should, according to Wang, smartly adapt its highly recognized product images and globalized operation practices to local consumption patterns and business model, so as to bring about the best synergy effect. With joint efforts, Weetabix and Nanpu Food Group were expected to draw up a business plan of China soon featuring solid and feasible measures and clear-cut strategic vision, and present it to the Board of Directors for review. (Reported by Weng Wenjing)

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