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World Mixed Cultural and Natural Heritage: Mt. Emei and Leshan Giant Buddha (3)


19:01, July 10, 2013

Mt. Emei

Reasons for applying to the World Heritage List
Due to its special geographic location, Mt. Emei (including the Leshan Giant Buddha) has majestic, elegant and fantastic natural sceneries, typical landforms, and a well-preserved ecological environment. In particular, since it is located in a transitional area between biological systems, it owns abundant animal and plant resources including many rare and endangered species which all have clear regional characteristics. During the past 2,000 years, numerous cultural assets, especially the cultural assets with Buddha characteristics, have been created and massed on the mountain. The natural and cultural heritage has a very high value in the realms such as history, aesthetics, scientific research, popular science, and tourism, and is the commonwealth of the entire human race.

(1) The status of Mt. Emei among China’s renowned mountains

Mt. Emei, which enjoys a high reputation in the world for its beautiful natural sceneries and dense Buddhist atmosphere, is a very outstanding among China’s renowned mountains for its “majestic, elegant and mysterious” characteristics.

I. Majestic: The huge body and rough characteristics makes it extremely majestic. Mt. Emei stands upright in the southwestern edge of the Sichuan Basin. The altitude of its highest peak, the “Ten Thousand Buddha Summit,” is 3,099 meters, and the height difference between its top and foot is 2,600 meters, which is 1,000 meters longer than that of Mt. Taishan, the highest mountain of the Five Renowned Mountains of China. Therefore, Mt. Emei used to be called “the Mountain Surpassing the Five Renowned Mountains.” Pointing straight to the sky, the three main peaks stand upright together and look extremely splendid. Standing on the Golden Top and looking forward, you will see tremendous mountains and cloud seas which will make you feel like you are in a dream.

II. Elegant: Mt. Emei is located in an area where many natural elements mix together. It has a clear vertical plant spectrum and abundant plant species, and 87 percent of its area is covered by forests. On the mountain, the peaks and ridges are diverse and they have very beautiful and smooth outlines. The forests are thrifty and vigorous, and the sceneries are wonderful and colorful. Mt. Emei has the best and thriftiest vegetation sceneries among all the renowned mountains of China.

III. Mysterious: Mt. Emei is a sacred Buddhist sanctuary, and the strong Buddhist cultural elements make it a mysterious mountain with a dense religious atmosphere. After being portrayed in dramas, poems, music, paintings and Kung Fu, this Buddhism kingdom has become even more mysterious and illusive. In the long history, the Buddhist culture, temple buildings and natural landscapes of Mt. Emei have delicately mixed together, which makes it unique among China’s renowned mountains. The wonderful natural phenomena of Mt. Emei such as the cloud seas, sunrise, Buddha light, sacred lamp, sunrise and sunset glows, as well as the Floating Cloud of Leidong, Morning Rain of Hongchun, Bright Snow of Daping and the Drizzle are all amazing and awesome. They are the best sceneries among China’s renowned mountains.

The majestic, elegant and mysterious natural sceneries and the centuries-old historical and cultural contents harmonized with each other and gives Mt. Emei the title of “the Most Elegant Mountain in the World.”

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