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World Cultural Heritage: The Dazu Rock Carvings (6)


18:23, July 10, 2013

Group statues reflecting parents' great kindness and virtue in life (CNTV)

Heritage value

The Dazu Rock Carvings reflect the development and changes of Chinese rock carving art in its later period since the Tang and Song dynasties. The carving work vividly shows the co-existence and co-development of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. The Dazu Rock Carvings, consisting of the grottoes in Beishan, Baodingshan, Nanshan, Shizhuanshan, Shimenshan and other locations, have significant value for its integrity. Moreover, the Dazu Rock Carvings are located in mountainous areas of the Chinese inland and have been well preserved due to low traffic conditions in the past. Apart from a few statues that have been re-carved, most of the carvings have remained unharmed from man-made and natural disasters.

In general, the Daze Rock Carvings are well known worldwide for its grand scale, delicate carving techniques, diversified subject matters, rich content and well preservation. They are the essence of the Chinese Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian carving arts, and have made significant contributions to the innovation and development of Chinese rock carving art. They also boast great and irreplaceable historical, artistic and scientific value.

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