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"China threat" theory still exists despite Nexen purchase (2)


08:33, February 27, 2013

Chinese capital, while hitting barriers in the U.S., was welcomed by European companies yearning for markets and investment.

The Rhodium Group report said Europe has attracted twice as much investment as the U.S. from Chinese investors in the past two years, driven mostly by commercial opportunities resulting from the fiscal and economic crisis in the Euro zone.

The report said that China invested more than 5 billion dollars in EU transportation infrastructure and utilities through 2012, while the U.S. attracted close to zero investment in transportation infrastructure from China.

One should realize that China's overseas investments are actually a win-win proposition. That's because China gains talent, technologies and products while the other side accesses China's big markets. The merits would ultimately breach the ideological prejudice.

The business of business is business. Any government should stay sober-minded to separate business from politics when it comes to international trade and investment.

【1】 【2】

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