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Survey: Families of migrant workers are least happy in 2012 (3)

(People's Daily Online)

08:10, January 15, 2013

Families of the migrant workers group feel the least happy

Data show that families of institutions personnel, foreign enterprises personnel, and the retired personnel feel happier; while families of migrant workers, left-behind women, left-behind children, and empty-nest families generally feel less happy. Society should give more attention to these families.

Compared to other occupations, families of migrant workers have the lowest sense of happiness, lower than families of agricultural laborers, and lower even than urban unemployed or workless families. The greatest difficulties facing them are: high day-to-day expenses (51.95 percent of respondents), and the fact that their parents are not living around (25 percent).

The sense of happiness of families of "left-behind women" in the rural areas is not optimistic. The sample includes 471 rural "left-behind women," accounting for more than 30 percent of the total number of married women in the local rural area. Their sense of happiness is significantly lower than the corresponding level of all local married women.

The sense of happiness of "left-behind children" with both parents not around or with one parent not around is significantly lower than the average level of all children.

The "empty-nest" families feel significantly less happy than the rest, and "empty-nest" families in the urban area feel less happy than those in the rural area.

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