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Top 10 ski resorts in China (4)


12:45, January 14, 2013

7.Tianshan Mountain International Ski Resort in Xinjiang 新疆天山滑雪场(Source:

Tianshan Mountain International Ski Resort in Xinjiang

Located at some 80 km from Urumqi, Tianshan International Ski Resort is the largest ski resort in Xinjiang. It is a multifaceted place, featuring skiing competitions, ski training, travel and culture. The snow at the altitude of 2400 meters is 1.5 meters deep and of very pure and natural quality.

The ski equipment hall covers an area of 21,000 square meters, making it the largest in China. The resort's No.1 slope stretches out across 1.8 kilometers, the largest professional one found in Xinjiang. The difference in height between the highest racetrack and the lowest one can reach up to 1200 meters, making them suitable for holding international skiing events. Moreover, the resort offers alpine skiing, freestyle jumping, horse riding, tennis, a local culture street, and other interesting activities, in order to express the culture of western China while at the same time providing entertainment.

When it comes to skiing, many people will immediately think of southern Austria or Switzerland. However, not everyone can afford to travel to, let alone stay at, a fancy Swiss ski resort. In fact, there are a lot of excellent, outstanding even, ski resorts to be discovered across China. Some of them even host international skiing and snowboarding competitions.

The ten ski resorts has selected for you here, can all claim unique characteristics. Some of them feature excellent snow quality, whereas others feature superb service. Third ones might stand out because of their amazing surroundings. No matter whether you are a winter vacation lover or not, you can definitely find a holiday spot to your liking among the following ten.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】 【6】 【7】 【8】 【9】 【10】

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