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US suffers from paranoia (2)

(People's Daily Online)

09:16, January 12, 2013

In March 2003, then U.S. President George W. Bush claimed that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, and used it as an excuse to launch the Iraq War. Bush acknowledged in his memoirs many years later that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction.

The United States has also accused Iran of developing nuclear weapons when it is just conducting peaceful use of nuclear energy, and created rumors that the Syrian government plans to use chemical weapons in the Syrian civil war.

The United States can judge whether other countries are threatening its security according to historical incidents, and other countries can tell whether it is telling lies according to its previous misdeeds.

The United States now takes China as its imaginary enemy. As the world's second largest economy, China is bound to be considered by the United States as a major threat. Hegemonic powers have achieved their hegemonic status through bloody wars.

In the guise of a paranoid patient, the United States is actually anxious to maintain absolute dominance in all fields as well as its long-term hegemonic position in the world.

China values honesty, and has repeatedly expressed its determination to safeguard world peace. It should be reiterated that China has the right to peaceful use of outer space, and will never give up this right. Any action obstructing or undermining China’s space exploration will be hit back hard. The United States is policing the world, but is still far from being able to police the universe.

Read the Chinese version: 美国患上了狂想症
Source:People's Daily Overseas Edition, author: Yang Ziyan

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