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E-commerce company defies gloomy trade outlook (3)

By Li Wenfang (China Daily)

09:00, December 13, 2012

Traditional foreign markets, which make up more than 70 percent of the exports of Guangdong, are expected to remain soft, with the European Union looking discouraging in the coming years, trade with Japan registering negative growth and trade with the United States expanding slowly.

On a more positive note, emerging markets, including Africa, South Korea, South America, ASEAN members and Eastern Europe, will present significant potential.

Guangdong has seen an improvement in creating brands and quality export products, as opposed to mere processing capacity.

Domestic policies have become more favorable, including those on duty rebate, export credit insurance and tax cuts.

The provincial foreign trade authorities hope to foster more businesses engaged in new foreign trade models and enable more small foreign trade enterprises in Guangdong to become aware of such services.

【1】 【2】 【3】


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