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AIG unit sale likely to be approved (2)

By Wang Wen  (China Daily)

08:48, December 12, 2012

The governments will not interrupt the acquisition in the aircraft-leasing business, an industry that does not affect national security, he said.

"Chinese overseas acquisitions are going smoothly overall, and fewer and fewer acquisitions were interrupted by the government," He added.

In normal market behavior, any acquisition is decided by the commercial benefits to both sides, He said.

Also, Chinese companies have to take the commercial risks after the acquisition is completed, he added.

It is not the only Chinese acquisition involving a huge price recently.

The Canadian government approved CNOOC Ltd's $15.1 billion bid for Nexen Inc, a Canadian energy company, on Friday. Once the acquisition is complete, it will be the largest overseas acquisition by a Chinese enterprise.

"It is necessary for Chinese companies to go international, as they are developing," said He. "The foreign companies' brands and market networks also lure Chinese businessmen."

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