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English>>China Society

Further tests show excess plasticizers in Jiugui liquor (2)

By Xu Chi (Shanghai Daily)

14:31, November 22, 2012

In an announcement on its official website, Intertek Co said the company was approved by the government to test liquors and the results showing that the samples contained excessive plasticizers were accurate.

The report on Monday said that samples of Jiugui, selling for 438 yuan (US$70) a bottle, were found to contain excess plasticizers in tests carried out by the company.

In its announcement, Intertek said it received samples from a customer on October 25 who required them to test plasticizer levels.

"But Intertek didn't participate in the sampling progress and didn't know the source of the samples, the method of the sampling, or how the customer preserved the samples before they were checked," the announcement said. "The customer should be responsible for carrying out those procedures."

Standard procedures

The company said it had tested the samples according to standard procedures.

"The report of our test results didn't list the brand of the samples and didn't comment on the results," the announcement said. As the customer was responsible for the sampling, the company could not confirm whether the samples were Jiugui products.

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